SNF’s people are the backbone of its success. They form a unique community regarding their expertise, profession, nationality, role, and personality. SNF employs 8,150 people in 50 countries, each contributing to its operation and development, making it the world leader in its field. Creating optimal conditions for their well-being and development is a priority.

The male/female index, made mandatory in France in 2019, is a relevant evaluation criterion of the policy.

FRANCE 2024Points ObtainedMaximum Points Possible
1- Pay Gap (%)3740
2- Individual Increase Gap (%)2020
3- Difference in Promotion (%)1515
4- Percentage of Female Employees Receiving a Raise Upon Return From Maternity Leave (%)1515
5- Number of Employees of the Under-Represented Gender in the 10 Highest Paid010

Female/Male Representation in Leadership Roles at SNF

Period of Reference: 2023
Twelve Consecutive Months Ending: 12/31/2023
Date of Publication: 02/29/2024
Differences in representation among members of governance:40%60%
Differences in representation among executives:40%60%
UN Compact Goal 3 Icon "Good Health and Well-Being"
UN Compact Goal 5 Icon "Gender Equality"
UN Compact Goal 8 Icon "Decent Work and Economic Growth"


Through its code Code of Conduct, SNF is committed to respecting fundamental principles such as those enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights and United Nations Global Compact and prohibits any form of child or forced labor. SNF pays special attention to the quality of its working conditions. The policy aims to include matters of health, safety, and well-being in SNF’s operational strategy as a matter of priority.

“The Code of Conduct sets out the rules followed by SNF and defines the individual and collective guidelines each employee must comply with. The Chief Compliance Officer is available to all employees of the Group to answer any questions regarding the interpretation and implementation of this Code.

Our values are both specific to SNF, as they have been forged by our history and culture, and universal since they are inspired by fundamental principles such as the Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Global Compact.

We are fortunate to be positioned in markets that contribute to the preservation of our environment since the bulk of our activity is dedicated to cleaning or preserving water.

I trust I can count on every employee of our Group to keep expanding our activity while living fully and daily our values and ethics principles.”

~ Pascal Remy, Chairman & CEO

Social Engagement