
2024 SNF ESG Report

The numerous measures implemented by The SNF Group, the parent company to all SNF entities, over the last few years in the field of sustainable development, particularly regarding environmental, social, and economic issues (e.g. energy, carbon, sustainable development, and social reports) reflect who we are as a company and are evident in our activities.

Our policies on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility are in line with our commitments to:

  • be recognized as a company that applies the most stringent safety standards
  • comply with applicable environmental legislation and regulations, as well as other social and economic requirements
  • minimize the environmental impact of our operations, particularly by optimizing energy consumption (gas and electricity)
  • advocate measures to prevent environmental degradation, limit our carbon footprint, and minimize our dependence on and use of natural resources
  • continue to monitor and evaluate performance, environmental, social, and economic indicators
  • raise awareness and motivate employees and partners to work and operate responsibly
  • eliminate corruption
  • provide proper training in line with job requirements
  • communicate (internally and externally) regarding the impact of our operations, particularly to customers regarding the proper handling, use, and disposal of our products
  • leverage customer feedback and field experience for the benefit of all Group companies
  • instill and encourage a safety mindset at all levels and locations in order to minimize risks and accidents, both on and off work


Putting these commitments into practice requires periodic evaluation of our performance, which we regularly communicate to all employees and partners.  For the purposes of prevention and continuous improvement, objectives are periodically reviewed and updated, taking into account the evaluation of results obtained, new scientific knowledge, best available techniques and technology, and changes in the socio-economic environment.

SNF Group’s Chairman & CEO and the Executive Committee, including international leaders/executives, fully support a commitment to non-financial performance.  This commitment ensures that staff, social and environmental considerations are understood and managed consistently.  The resulting policies are endorsed by the members of the Executive Committee, which is also responsible for ensuring communication and monitoring compliance with these policies throughout our organization.

SNF’s Director of Sustainable Development presents an annual report detailing the purpose, objectives, and results of our non-financial data verification.

Meeting U.N. Objectives

  • UN Compact Goal 3 icon "Good Health and Well-Being"
  • UN Compact Goal 5 Gender Equality
  • UN Compact Goal 6 Icon "Clean Water and Sanitation"
  • UN Compact Goal 7 Icon "Affordable and Clean Engery"
  • UN Global Compact Goal 8 Icon "Decent Work and Economic Growth"
  • UN Compact Goal 10 Icon "Reduced Inequalities"
  • UN Compact Goal 11 Icon "Sustainable Cities and Communities"
  • UN Compact Goal 12 Icon "Responsible Consumption and Production"
  • UN Compact Goal 13 Icon "Climate Action"
  • UN Compact Goal 14 Icon "Life Below Water"
  • UN Compact Goal 15 Icon "Life on Land"
  • UN Compact Goal 3 icon "Good Health and Well-Being"
  • UN Compact Goal 5 Gender Equality
  • UN Compact Goal 6 Icon "Clean Water and Sanitation"
  • UN Compact Goal 7 Icon "Affordable and Clean Engery"
  • UN Global Compact Goal 8 Icon "Decent Work and Economic Growth"
  • UN Compact Goal 10 Icon "Reduced Inequalities"
  • UN Compact Goal 11 Icon "Sustainable Cities and Communities"
  • UN Compact Goal 12 Icon "Responsible Consumption and Production"
  • UN Compact Goal 13 Icon "Climate Action"
  • UN Compact Goal 14 Icon "Life Below Water"
  • UN Compact Goal 15 Icon "Life on Land"

93% of SNF’s revenues meet UN objectives: All of the Group’s products are designed to either treat, recycle or preserve water, or help its customers save energy and reduce their carbon footprint.

SNF is guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The SNF Group has developed a range of over one thousand products, in keeping with its goal to promote responsible chemistry and improve the quality of life for the entire population of the world.

The Group’s products play a crucial role in protecting the environment, saving energy, and ensuring access to essential raw materials.


Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions as defined by the GHG Protocol are low at all of SNF’s production facilities, in proportion with revenues at around 0.6 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

SNF is aiming to achieve carbon neutrality (Scope 1 & 2) by 2050 and to reduce carbon intensity by 30% and reduce water intensity by 20% by 2030.



To meet its commitments and measure its progress over the long term, SNF has established environmental, safety, and diversity objectives.  In this respect, SNF ensures that its operations comply with the law and applicable environmental regulations as well as respond to social and economic demands.  Environmentally speaking, SNF continues to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in keeping with the Paris Agreement, as well as its atmospheric emissions, effluents, and purchase of carbon-based energy.

Making the World Cleaner and More Energy Efficient

Our action in the MINING industry is essential to reducing the carbon footprint of mineral extraction. Our action in the PAPER industry is vital for supporting the growth of e-commerce and reducing the use of plastics. Our action in the OIL industry helps operators consume less water and energy in producing a barrel of oil. Our SPECIALTY CHEMICALS division provides essential substances such as gelling agents for hand sanitizers.



SNF Responsible Chemistry reflects the Group’s SNF’s goal of being one of the most exemplary chemical producers in terms of environmental footprint.



SNF is also committed to the Responsible Care® approach at all of its sites. Built on the principle of continuous progress, this resolute initiative in the chemical sector involves the responsible management of operations and products throughout the life cycle, promoting their role in improving quality of life, and furthering sustainable development.

SNF has been deeply engaged in corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues for a number of years.  In 2008, SNF joined the United Nations Global Compact, as its values are in line with the Group’s company’s vision and commitments.

Since then, SNF has gradually integrated the Ten Principles of the Global Compact into its policies.  Some Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are included in the Group’s SNF’s performance indicators.

To aim even higher, in 2020 SNF decided to strengthen its commitment by becoming a “participating” member rather than just an “active” member.  SNF is therefore committed to respecting universal principles in relation to human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption throughout its operations and strategies.

Cover image for SNF Resonsible Purchasing Charter

Growth that Respects People and the Environment

Image of Pascal Remy, President and CEO of The SNF Group

SNF aims to be a key player in the water treatment sector and all related applications.  The many initiatives we have undertaken in recent years to promote Sustainable Development, particularly in the environmental, social, and economic fields (energy balance sheet, carbon balance sheet, sustainable development report, social balance sheet, etc.), are closely related to our business activities.

Our policy on Sustainable Development is based on our pledge to deliver on our key commitments to:

  • Operate in accordance with applicable environmental laws and regulations, as well as all other applicable requirements at the social and economic levels
  • Develop a culture of integrity, loyalty, and honesty
  • Minimize the environmental impacts of our activities by optimizing our energy consumption (gas, electricity, and water)
  • Promote measures aimed at preventing environmental degradation, limiting our carbon footprint, and reducing our dependence on natural resources
  • Raise awareness among employees and partners and encourage them to conduct their activities responsibly
  • Provide training tailored to the requirements of each job
  • Communicate and inform, both internally and externally, the impact of our activities
  • Adhere to values inspired by fundamental principles set forth by the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the United Nations Global Compact

Delivering on these commitments requires periodic performance reviews, which are published regularly through information and communication campaigns for all employees and partners.

As part of our continuous improvement and prevention process, our goals are periodically reviewed and revised based on results achieved, new scientific knowledge, available technologies, and changes in the economic and social environments.

To achieve these goals, we have defined and implemented Management Systems to ensure compliance with environmental, social, and economic standards.

~ Pascal Remy, Chairman & CEO

Global Initiatives
