Published: February 5, 2016

SNF Agriculture helped influence changes made to the U.S. Department of Agriculture / Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (USDA/NRCS) Conservation Practice Standard 450.  This change expands the use of Anionic Polyacrylamide (PAM) for increasing efficiencies of irrigation by adding water infiltration to the list of benefits PAM offers under this standard.  Previously, Standard 450 only addressed water quality improvement and soil erosion control as PAM’s primary benefits.  The State of Mississippi has adopted this expanded standard.  To view their Media Release, please click here.

SNF worked with others at the state and national level for PAM usage in agriculture to gain formal recognition as a cost-effective method of increasing the efficiency of irrigation water.  This increase involves improvement in the penetration of water and nutrients into fine to medium textured soils, thereby reducing solids runoff and downstream loading of solids and nutrients into the environment.  This revised Standard 450 allows farmers to use PAM in either dry or liquid emulsion form within their irrigation systems.

The USDA/NRCS offers financial and technical assistance for PAM applications for agricultural uses through the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP).  To find out how you may benefit from this expanded standard and incentive program, use the link shown on the attached Media Release to contact your local NRCS office today.

SNF is the world’s leading manufacturer of PAM – in both dry and liquid emulsion forms.  For more information about this announcement and how you can benefit from the use of PAM, please contact:


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