
Water-soluble polymers are game changers in dredging operations, acting as critical components in filtration processes.  These polymers, encompassing a full spectrum of organic materials, including flocculants and coagulants, play vital roles in various filtration systems such as plate and frame presses, belt presses, vacuum filtration, centrifugation, geotextile tubes, and beach dewatering, among others.  Further, they optimize filtrate/centrate clarity for reclaim or discharge and help minimize the water content of the filtered cake for disposal.

Organic Polymers for Diverse Filtration Systems

The excavation of underwater sediments during dredging results in a slurry of water and solids.  Water-soluble polymers are employed to filter this effectively.  As flocculants, they prompt the formation of flocs by aggregating fine particles, which can then be readily separated.  As coagulants, they neutralize charges that cause particles to repel each other, enabling easier aggregation.  These polymers are integral to a wide array of filtration processes:

  • Plate and frame presses use polymers to bind particles together before pressure is applied to extract water
  • Belt presses rely on polymers to flocculate the particles, facilitating their separation as the sludge moves through the press under mechanical pressure
  • In vacuum filtration, polymers help form a dense filter cake by filtrate water being effectively drawn out by suction
  • During centrifugation, polymers enhance the consolidation of particles for easier removal when solids and water are separated under high g-forces
  • In the case of geotextile tubes, polymers improve the consolidation and dewatering of the dredged material
  • For beach dewatering and other processes, polymers ensure efficient separation of water from the sediments


Optimizing Filtrate/Centrate Clarity and Minimizing Water Content

Beyond aiding in filtration, water-soluble polymers are also vital for enhancing the clarity of the filtrate or centrate, which is the water that has been released and separated from the retained solids.  This results in clear water that can be safely reclaimed or discharged, reducing environmental impacts.  Reducing turbidity is important in order to preserve aquatic life.  Sudden increases of turbidity could damage some aquatic species.

Simultaneously, these polymers minimize the water content of the filter cake – the solids left behind after filtration.  A drier cake is more manageable, easier to transport, and less costly to dispose of due to its reduced volume, making the overall dredging operation more efficient and economical.

Filter Polymers for Dredging

Product CategoryDescription
FLOPAM™ FA, AHNon-ionic powder-form flocculants used to enhance solid-liquid separation. Enhances and maximizes clean water reclamation and solids waste stream density. Ideal for bulk transportation.
FLOPAM™ EM, DW, SFCLiquid-form flocculants enhance solid/liquid separation times, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density.
FLOMIN™ CA 100They are used to destabilize solids suspended in slurries. Enhances the flocculation process, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density.
FLOQUAT™ TS, DBPowder-form organic coagulants are used to destabilize solids suspended in slurries. Enhances the flocculation process, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density. They are often added directly to process streams with minimal mixing equipment needed.
FLOQUAT™ FLLiquid organic coagulant is used to destabilize solids suspended in slurries. It enhances the flocculation process, clean water reclamation, and solid waste stream density. Liquid organic coagulants are often added directly to process streams with minimal mixing equipment needed.
FLOPAM™ FO, CBCationic powder form flocculants enhance solid/liquid separation, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density.
FLOPAM™ AN (ATBS)These powder-form flocculants are designed for a wider pH range. They enhance solid/liquid separation, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density.
FLOPAM™ AN (Anionic Powder)Anionic powder-form flocculants enhance solid/liquid separation, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density.
FLOBEADS™ ABBeaded powder-form settling aids enhance solid/liquid separation, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density. Beaded products can reduce hydration times.
FLOPAM™ FAMAmphoteric powder-form flocculants used to enhance solid/liquid separation, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density. Ideal for bulk transportation.
