Environmental Policy


Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions as defined by the GHG Protocol are low at all of SNF’s production facilities, in proportion with revenues at around 0.6 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

SNF is aiming to achieve carbon neutrality (Scope 1 & 2) by 2050 and to reduce carbon intensity by 30% and reduce water intensity by 20% by 2030.

Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy


SNF has a proactive policy of controlling and reducing the impact of its operations on atmospheric emissions, discharges into water and soil, and the production of waste and hazardous substances introduced into the value chain.  These reductions involve optimizing the consumption of raw materials, energy, and natural resources.  The reductions also involve improvements in production units, process modifications, and the installation of effluent treatment units, as well as the development of environmental policy knowledge and patents.

SNF is changing its industrial practices to reduce its environmental footprint and act in favor of the climate.

The objective is to control emissions and consumption of non-renewable raw materials, water, and energy, and to protect the soil.

Sustainable Use of Resources

The exploitation of natural resources and their availability over the long term are fundamental challenges for human development and the sustainability of SNF’s activities. Controlling consumption and finding new solutions, both of which are inseparable from ecological and economic responsibility in the face of global challenges, are objectives shared by all of the Group’s SNF locations.

Today, it takes 20% less water to produce one tonne of finished products than it did 10 years ago.

R&D projects are being conducted to develop more environmentally friendly polymers using renewable raw materials and to increase overall biodegradability.

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production Global Compact logo

Certifications & Sustainability
